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Ask Author Cedric Long

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Ask the Corrupt Author

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I am a former C/O. When I first started, I thought that I would fear some guy with three life sentences or some insane gang member. This was not the case as older convicts never really bother staff. They just wanted to do their time as chilled as possible. I was a tough guy myself and didn’t mind fighting whenever I got a chance. So here are the few inmates that put real fear in my heart.


Crazy Kristie - a female inmate that stayed in Seg. The officers would spread rumors that she was possessed and that you could hear several voices coming out of her at once. I never witnessed multiple voices but everytime I checked her cell I got the most vulgar verbal assaults.

When I’d work overtime on the graveyard shift, I'd be alone in the cube.

Kristie loved to press the speaker and whisper threats at me.


Big Insane Dude - I don’t remember the inmates name but he was huge, about 6′6′’ naturally muscular and severely mentally ill. He’d go into rages and hurt inmates at random. The man was self injurious also. He cut is own face up and bit the tips off of each finger down to the first joint. One day he got violent with staff and picked up a vending machine attempting to toss it at an officer. He got sent to a max after that day.


Wild Hair Woman - Big female inmate about 6′3′’. She stayed in Seg and was built like Paul Bunyan. Her triceps and forearms were massive. I remember wanting biceps like hers. Her hair was always wild and she had a stare that went through your bones.

And the most feared inmate of all was a beautiful woman about 5′6′’ in her mid thirties.


Kong Fu fighter - This one female stayed in seg. Every time I worked the unit and passed by she would be practicing martial arts. One day I saw her do a series of kicks so fast I couldn't tell how many times she had actually kicked, ending this display with an aerial round house. Keep in mind I box and cage fight on an amateur level so I know who’s the real deal. I feared her the most. I said in my heart that day - “if this MF get to fighting I’m running”

I am a former C/O. When I first started, I thought that I would fear some guy with three life sentences or some insane gang member. This was not the case as older convicts never really bother staff. They just wanted to do their time as chilled as possible. I was a tough guy myself and didn’t mind fighting whenever I got a chance. So here are the few inmates that put real fear in my heart.


Crazy Kristie - a female inmate that stayed in Seg. The officers would spread rumors that she was possessed and that you could hear several voices coming out of her at once. I never witnessed multiple voices but everytime I checked her cell I got the most vulgar verbal assaults.

When I’d work overtime on the graveyard shift, I'd be alone in the cube.

Kristie loved to press the speaker and whisper threats at me.


Big Insane Dude - I don’t remember the inmates name but he was huge, about 6′6′’ naturally muscular and severely mentally ill. He’d go into rages and hurt inmates at random. The man was self injurious also. He cut is own face up and bit the tips off of each finger down to the first joint. One day he got violent with staff and picked up a vending machine attempting to toss it at an officer. He got sent to a max after that day.


Wild Hair Woman - Big female inmate about 6′3′’. She stayed in Seg and was built like Paul Bunyan. Her triceps and forearms were massive. I remember wanting biceps like hers. Her hair was always wild and she had a stare that went through your bones.

And the most feared inmate of all was a beautiful woman about 5′6′’ in her mid thirties.


Kong Fu fighter - This one female stayed in seg. Every time I worked the unit and passed by she would be practicing martial arts. One day I saw her do a series of kicks so fast I couldn't tell how many times she had actually kicked, ending this display with an aerial round house. Keep in mind I box and cage fight on an amateur level so I know who’s the real deal. I feared her the most. I said in my heart that day - “if this MF get to fighting I’m running”

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