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Corrupt Officer's Guide to Money - synopsis

Corrupt officer's Guide to Money. A crime drama with elements of romance set in a fictional Alabama town near the state's capital city of Montgomery. .


After an arrest the protagonist prison guard John Youngblood gets transferred to work for Athens correctional facility. Going through a divorce from his wife Renee, aka Lady Cop, hiding secrets along with refusing to deal with past trauma causes mental health issue to plaque Youngblood.


Youngblood obsession with a love letter and guilt after the mysterious Osceola incident he could use some good karma. To make up for his past decisions he takes in Julia, a homeless immigrant. Julia is battling possible deportation and losing custody of her niece Anna. With Youngblood's financial state in ruins he begins to notice the corruption at Athens pays well. 


Reluctantly he decides to take chances smuggling in contraband. After the money starts pouring in faster than he can count it all, so does his problems. Youngblood learns the lesson that riches can't buy happiness. That he must accept the hard lessons in life. 


He finally decides to do the work to get healthy, forgive those that hurt him and forgives himself. He discovers he never loved his wife Lady Cop and opens up to the possibility to dating Julia. Just as he decides to make his relationship with Julia official a third player in the game shows up. This mystery woman's name isn't mentioned in the book but her ghost is all over the pages.



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